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Weight loss hypnotherapy Week 1!

Hey everyone! Like most people in the world I dislike something about my appearance, one of the main reasons I personally dislike my body is because of my weight. I have been on a long journey and have only just started regularly weighing myself but prior to that I have lost a lot of weight. I still feel like I have a lot of bad habits when it comes to food and I want to change that as soon as possible. A few weeks ago I started talking to a woman called Malminder Gill and she introduced me to her weight loss hypnotherapy. So last Thursday I logged onto my account on her website and started my hypnotherapy...

Week 1...

Just a side note there is a total of 6 weeks covering the hypnotherapy and each week covers something new. So first of all I read the introduction and it had a lot of information about Malminder and how the hypnotherapy would be able to help and some comments from previous clients.

Week 1 covers emotional eating and I have to admit this is one of my worst habits when it comes to food. If I'm bored or upset 9 times out of 10 I will go and grab a snack and this could be healthy or unhealthy. None the less it was a habit I was desperate to break. You do the same hypnotherapy session 3 times in a week and I would definitely advise to do the hypnotherapy when no one is around as it lasts 40 minutes and you don't want to be distracted. This was the first time I was ever hypnotized and I just felt very relaxed and at ease and the whole process was very comforting. I was scared the hypnotism wasn’t going to work and it took me a day or two to realise the results.

Since doing my first session of hypnotherapy I have not comfort eaten! I'm still finding it hard to believe that it has actually worked and somehow it has. I have snacked when I've been hungry but only when I've been hungry and there is a massive difference I am seeing already in my diet! I can't wait to do Week 2 which does a mental detox!

I would definitely try Malminder's hypnotherapy! She offers;

Hypnosis for Confidence;

Hypnosis for Weight loss;

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking;

Find her on twitter; @MalminderGill

Thanks for reading, see you on my next post, Courts x

Note: I am receiving this hypnotherapy free of charge for return of a review.

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